Step Exhibitions, Orchard House, North Farm Road
Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3XF, UK
Recyclable Silver Conductive Inks For Sustainable Printed Electronics
Time: 09:30 - 10:00
Date: 5 June 2024
Theatre: Cutting Edge
There was 57Mt of electronic waste generated in 2022 of this less than 25% is currently recycled. The commercial recycling processes focus solely on the recovery of the precious metals at the expense of everything else. The silver ink we have formulated can create printed electronics using existing manufacturing methods such as screen-printing and recovered… Read more »
SurfexThere was 57Mt of electronic waste generated in 2022 of this less than 25% is currently recycled. The commercial recycling processes focus solely on the recovery of the precious metals at the expense of everything else. The silver ink we have formulated can create printed electronics using existing manufacturing methods such as screen-printing and recovered from products or manufacturing waste without using toxic highly-chemicals. The recovered silver can be reused in the manufacturing of new inks without further processing, creating a cost-effective closed loop system for circular printed electronics and reducing scope 3 emissions.
- Dr James Claypole Research Officer - Founder - Swansea University - AilArian
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