What measures taken and implemented will depend on all appropriate regulation and guidance at the time of the event. In anticipation that the live event will be permitted, the following are under consideration.
Before the Event
- Preparation of guides for the design of stands prepared for capacity, safety distances and cleaning protocols (confirmed for the date of the event).
- Implementation of specific prevention measures during the build-up and breakdown periods (use of qualified H&S executives).
- Online sale of services and pre-installation of additional items so that all stands are built, ready and sanitised before exhibitor arrival (no on-site rental of equipment to be allowed).
- Online registration only (no ‘walk in’ on-site registration allowed).
- Prior information on mitigation measures related to contagion risk to include:
– Pre-arrival risk assessment questionnaire
– Verification / proof of vaccination
– Statement / verification of absence of symptoms
– On-site procedures, availability of PPE and catering / sanitisation measures - Download and Use of the NHS Covid App.
Access to the Event
- Digital access via mobile phone or printed hard copy pre-registration form.
- Consideration of allocation of access hours eg exhibitors / delegates / exhibition only attendees.
- Appropriate management of queues.
- Temperature measurement and voluntary availability or mandatory use of masks by attendees whilst within the venue.
- Consideration given to whether badges and lanyards are to be provided.
In the Venue
- Management of the exhibition circulation spaces to ensure distance (as appropriate and required at the time of the event).
- Information signs on measures to be taken during the event.
- Appropriate ventilation and air renewal systems.
- Traceability of contacts using Lead Retrieval (platform to track commercial contacts throughout the event).
- Installation of screens at all information and customer service points.
- Cashless payment.
- Provision of sanitisation points with hydroalcoholic gel throughout the venue.
- Reinforcement of first aid rooms with specifically trained staff and equipped with all the necessary equipment.
- Creation of isolation rooms for possible positive cases.
Sanitisation Measures
Implemented processes focused on enhanced sanitation, disinfection and deep cleaning practices as well as increase their cleaning/disinfection frequency.
- Selected disinfecting products to be used by the venue what have been approved by health authorities.
- Training of cleaning crew and appropriate procedures to be implemented to all areas of the venue including washrooms, elevators, escalators, conference areas, lobbies, and common areas with a specific focus on top touch points. Extraneous unnecessary items to be removed
- Information given to all attendees and frequent signage outlining on-site etiquette to ensure physical distancing through venue.
- Approved disinfecting products at sanitation stations made available to all attendees in the form of alcohol-based or hypochlorous acid water hand sanitiser as appropriate throughout the venue based on high-traffic areas.
- Consideration given to providing or making available for purchase additional individual disinfecting products for all attendees to also include Exhibitors who will be required to clean their stands and exhibits regularly throughout the event.
- Adapted frequency of waste disposal by venue.
Stands and Conference Spaces
- Appropriate use of virtual activities in a manner that does not compromise on-site attendance.
- Distance measures and capacity control in the conference rooms.
- Consideration given to appropriate adaptation of stand designs and layout.
- Potential capacity limitation at the stands.
- Distribution of exhibitor and visitor material not recommended (eg documents, brochures, welcome packs, etc).
- Hands-free policy within the exhibition. Visitors not allowed to touch stand displays.
- Reinforcement of hygienic-sanitary controls in all catering services.
- Delivery of pre-ordered food in individual units both in the premises and at the stands.
- Redistribution of spaces at catering points to ensure social distancing.
- Installation of partitions at all catering points.
Clearly, catering is a significant issue at the event as attendees of all types spend so much time at the event each day. So here are some added catering considerations.
Enhanced food safety and hygiene by:
- Avoiding attendee handling of food at catering points.
- Cleaning regularly machines handled by staff and attendees.
- Implementation of water/soft drinks protocols whereby it is recommended for all participants to travel with their own refillable water bottles and provision of managed areas where there is safe drinking water.
- Enhanced sanitation and clean & disinfect tables immediately after use.
- Implementing physical distancing through table spacing and attendee seating with suitable reinforcement.
- Nothing to be placed on catering tables and provision of mono-packaged items wherever feasible.
- Implement food protocols relating outsourced food.