Health, Safety & Security
Health, Safety & Security
The health and safety of visitors, exhibitors and staff is our number one priority. Accordingly, measures are in place for Surfex which will keep you safe and secure, whilst enabling you to have a great and worthwhile experience.
We are working closely with the venue and risk consultancy Onsite Exhibition Services Limited to ensure the safety and comfort of all those on-site during Surfex.
Together we have created a wide-ranging mitigation strategy which includes encouraging good behavioural practice and deploying physical measures, as well as providing more facilities and features digitally.
Everyone has to play their part. As well as following the protocols to keep themselves safe, attendees also have a responsibility to others. In this guide, we outline what measures are being taken and what visitors need to do, to ensure a safe show environment.
We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and will update this guide if necessary.
Overall Measures to Keep You Safe
Attendance by Pre-registration
It is only possible to attend Surfex by registering in advance. It will not be possible to register on site. So if you have not pre-registered, please don’t travel to the venue as you will not be permitted access. Once you have completed your online registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Protective Face Masks
Although not legally required, all attendees are encouraged to wear protective face masks whilst moving around Surfex. This request is a precautionary measure in line with UK Government advice to protect everyone attending.
Social Distancing
Whilst social distancing is not required, measures will be in place across the venue to avoid over-crowding in certain areas and also to ensure a measure of distancing in conference areas where people remain seated for periods of time.
Hand Sanitisers
Gels or hydroalcoholic solutions will be available for visitors. There will be signs in all communal areas and on exhibitor stands to remind everyone of health and safety protocols.
All areas of the venue will be cleaned at an increased frequency.
Ventilation Systems
The venue is an elite sport facility and has been open throughout the pandemic. Ventilation systems are at COVID standards with antibacterial filters and increased air renewal frequency.
Any necessary payments at Surfex will be cashless only.
Medical Assistance
There will be an increased provision of medical assistance points.
Hygiene Screens
Screens will be installed at all service counters, catering outlets, and information points.
All seating will have increased spacing.
Additional Health Considerations
You should not attend the Event if you:
- Have any of the following symptoms: high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of sense of taste or smell.
- Have been tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10-days.
- Have come into close contact with a high risk or infected person within the last 10-days.
- Have travelled from or through a ‘watchlist or red’ state or country – i.e. any location where the UK Government requires all people to self-isolate when they arrive.
- Are personally classified in a vulnerable category (e.g. either due to age or other underlying health conditions).
All attendees must adhere to the requirements below. Reminders will be published in pre-show communications and on signage throughout the show site:
- Maintain physical distancing between yourself and others as directed by floor markings and staff.
- Practice good respiratory hygiene at all times.
- Regularly wash hands and use sanitising gels that are readily available throughout key points in the venue.
- Wear a face covering* in all areas of the venue. Flexibility applies when eating and appropriately distanced in catering outlet seating areas.
- Do not move furniture or any other item that has been deliberately placed to maintain physical distancing.
- Cooperate with security, stewards and medical teams – be patient, they are there for the safety and wellbeing of everyone at Surfex.
- Avoid handshakes and exchanging material that has been handled by others.
Be kind and considerate to your industry colleagues and event staff. Being personally accountable and adhering to the requirements above and supporting each other is our collective responsibility for a successful event to be attended by all. Any individuals not complying with the requirements above may be asked to leave the event.
Should the authorities require us to collect any personal data specifically in relation to COVID-19, we will only keep that data for the minimum period required by the authority. Our Privacy policy is available here.
Service, Safety & Security at our Events
The safety and security of our everyone at Surfex is the utmost priority. We work closely with the venue, local and national authorities to identify risks, assess them and develop security plans for our events.
Everyone attending our events should be aware that the following are in place:
- Customer Service staff may approach you to assist you outside, at entry or inside the event.
- Staff and attendees are required to wear ID badges provided.
- Walkthrough or hand held scanners may be in operation at our events.
- CCTV in operation at our events is monitored and recorded.
- Uniformed and covert Security Guards are in attendance at our events.
- Uniformed and covert Police are in attendance at some of our events.
- Canine Security and Detection is in operation at some of our events.
Everyone attending Surfex is requested to:
- Keep personal property safe at all times and do not leave any items unattended.
- Report anything that looks unusual, suspicious or just out of place to a member of event staff.
- Remain patient and courteous with event staff undertaking security checks.
- Follow the instructions of event staff at all times.
*Attendees should provide their own face coverings. This can be a face mask or you may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering. Face coverings are largely intended to protect others, not the wearer, against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of virus that causes coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Face coverings must as a minimum cover your nose and mouth while securely fitting around the sides of your face
If you have any feedback or questions please call 01892 518877.