Call for Presentations

Submitting Your Paper

Please submit a 100-word summary containing the main points of your proposed paper.
Paper proposals for Surfex should be submitted via this form.
Papers will be selected on the basis of quality, originality, and relevance to the event. Marketing-derived papers or those seeking to advertise will be rejected from consideration for the conference.
Submissions must be relevant to the coatings industry, covering surface science, formulation, new technology, sustainability, regulations, analysis etc.

Please note:

  • All papers must be presented in English
  • Papers should be submitted under the name of the person intending to present them at Surfex
  • More than one paper may be submitted by universities, companies or individuals
  • There is no fee to submit a presentation proposal or to speak at Surfex

The deadline for submissions is 29 September 2023

  • Please submit 3-5 learning points for your proposed presentation
  • If your presentation involves more than one speaker, please include their name, job title, company name and bio in this box, along with the bio of the person making the submission, who should also be a speaker on the presentation.
    N.B. In ticking either options 1 or 2, Speakers indemnify Step Exhibitions, organisers of Surfex, against liability for publication of any images or material within their presentation that are copyright protected by a third party, and in giving permission to publish their slides from Surfex, accept responsibility for seeking permission for the publication of images or material within that presentation, from third parties, and for the legal costs of any infringement of said copyright.
  • Please attach a jpg image of the proposed speaker of this presentation. If there is more than one speaker, please send their photograph separately to
    In providing your contact information as part of registering for Surfex; you are giving your consent for Step Exhibitions Ltd, the organisers of Surfex to contact you about future Surfex events and other relevant and related events. Should you wish to stop receiving communication about these events, you will have the option to easily unsubscribe from those emails and mailings you no longer wish to receive. Our data policy can be found at the top of this page.